Links de los programas de Inmigracion en Canada

Solicite viajar, estudiar, trabajar o inmigrar a Canadá, solicitar la ciudadanía, una tarjeta de residencia permanente o protección de refugiados, verifique el estado de su solicitud o encuentre un formulario.

Protéjase del fraude

No sea víctima de fraude: inmigre a Canadá de la manera correcta.

Apelar su decisión de inmigración

Apelar a la Junta de Inmigración y Refugiados sobre los requisitos de patrocinio, órdenes de expulsión y obligación de residencia.

Mi aplicación

Inicie sesión o cree una cuenta, verifique el estado de la solicitud y los tiempos de procesamiento, encuentre formularios, pague tarifas, conozca los controles médicos y policiales, conozca los representantes y protéjase del fraude


Averigüe si necesita una visa para visitar, hacer negocios o transitar por Canadá, y cómo extender su estadía como visitante

Entrada Rápida

Inmigrar como trabajador calificado

Candidatos provinciales

Inmigrar al ser nominado por una provincia o territorio canadiense


Inmigrar como refugiado o convertirse en patrocinador

Employers who hire temporary workers may be inspected to make sure they meet their responsibilities as an employer under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program or International Mobility Program. If an employer is found non-compliant, they can receive either or both of the following:


Descubra a qué programas de inmigración puede solicitar, patrocine a su familia y use un representante


Solicite o extienda un permiso de trabajo, aprenda sobre International Experience Canada y cómo ser un cuidador, obtenga el reconocimiento de sus credenciales y contrate trabajadores extranjeros

Programa de Inmigración del Atlántico

Inmigrar al graduarse de una escuela o trabajar en New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia o Newfoundland y Labradorv

Visa de inicio

Inmigrar iniciando un negocio y creando empleos

Inmigrar a través de Express Entry

El proceso de solicitud para inmigrantes calificados que desean establecerse en Canadá de forma permanente y participar en nuestra economía.


Solicitar o prorrogar un permiso de estudios o un permiso de trabajo de estudiante


Solicite, reanude o renuncie a la ciudadanía canadiense, prepárese para el examen de ciudadanía y obtenga prueba de ciudadanía

Piloto de Inmigración Rural y del Norte

Comunidades canadienses más pequeñas que apoyan su economía local a través de la inmigración. El piloto se abre a los solicitantes de residencia permanente más adelante en 2019.

El patrocinio de la familia

Patrocine a sus familiares, incluido su cónyuge, pareja, hijos, padres, abuelos y otros para inmigrar

Inspirando a la próxima generación de atletas

Conociendo su verdadero potencial como atleta paralímpica, Maryam llegó a Canadá decidida a usar la hoja de arce e inspirar a los atletas más jóvenes.

Nuevos inmigrantes

Obtenga una tarjeta de residente permanente, encuentre servicios para inmigrantes en su área, solicite la ciudadanía y obtenga información sobre su primer año fiscal en Canadá


Obtenga un pasaporte, patrocine a su familia o a un refugiado, obtenga prueba de ciudadanía, viaje y trabaje en el extranjero, adopte un niño del extranjero y participe en celebraciones de ciudadanía


Inmigrar para cuidar a niños, ancianos o personas con necesidades médicas, o trabajar como cuidador residente

Camino de residente temporal a residente permanente

El camino de residente temporal a residente permanente es un camino de tiempo limitado a la residencia permanente. Es para ciertos residentes temporales que trabajan actualmente en Canadá y sus familias.

Refugiados y asilo

Reclame la protección de refugiado, patrocine a un refugiado, encuentre servicios para refugiados en Canadá y apele una solicitud de refugio

Cumplimiento y violaciones

Sepa por qué es posible que no se le permita ingresar a Canadá e infórmese sobre las infracciones de inmigración, el proceso de revisión de detención y las audiencias de admisibilidad de inmigración

Trabajadores por cuenta propia

Inmigrar como autónomo en actividades culturales o deportivas

Piloto Agroalimentario

Inmigrar trabajando en industrias y ocupaciones agroalimentarias específicas

COVID-19: emigrar a Canadá

Enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19): solicitantes de inmigración 

Reconocemos que las restricciones de viaje tienen un impacto en muchas personas que no pueden viajar a Canadá en este momento. Estas restricciones detienen la mayoría de los viajes discrecionales a Canadá. En este momento, puede venir a Canadá solo si es elegible para viajar.

Find an Immigration Consultant

Find an Immigration Consultant

Check the Public Register to verify a Canadian immigration consultant’s status as a licensee of the College


Free English Online Courses

These English online Courses are completely free of Charge


Estos Cursos de Ingles son totalmente gratis
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Universidades y Colleges en Canada Con Programas de Trabajo


Seneca is located in beautiful Toronto, Canada. It is one of the safest cities in one of the safest countries in the world. Toronto is renowned for its natural beauty, thriving cities, growing population and diverse communities. 

Canada is consistently ranked among the top 10 countries in the United Nations Quality Index.

Alpha College

Alpha College is affiliated with St. Lawrence College, which provides oversight of the overall curriculum, faculty, and operational quality for college-level programs. Alpha offers high-quality education in Toronto with a great international environment.

Toronto Metropolitan University

Study Permit
International students enrolled at a Designated Learning Institution, external link (DLI), a school approved by the provincial or territorial government to host international students, for programs that are more than six months in length are required to obtain a study permit. International students are responsible for ensuring that their study permits are valid at all times.

Toronto Metropolitan University’s DLI number is: O19395677651.



Humber College is a public college in Toronto, Canada and a member of Polytechnics Canada. The college offers 200 plus programs which include a bachelor’s degree, post-graduate certificate, and apprenticeship programs. Apart from all these courses to study, Humber college also trained professionals in the


With more than 30,000 students from 120 countries at Waterloo, you’ll meet students, professors, and researchers from across Canada and around the globe. What draws students is



A World-Renowned University

U of T is a world-renowned university in a celebrated city where knowledge meets achievement, history meets future, and ambitions meet inspiration. Leading academics and employers from around the world have rated the University of Toronto as number one in Canada and among the best in the world.



Georgian @ ILAC
Georgian College offers postsecondary education in Central Ontario, the partnership between Georgian College and ILAC – a leading language school providing an excellent experience for students and prepares them to excel in their future careers. With 4 PGWP programs, Georgian @ ILAC bring more options for international students.


I am an International High-School Student Thinking of studying in Canada? Take the first step on your journey and join a community of over 10,000 international students at York University. Prepare for a meaningful career and long-term success, with the critical knowledge to work toward a better future through York’s leading programs, innovative course design, and experiential opportunities.



Studying in downtown Toronto, you will live, learn and work in the heart of Canada’s biggest, most diverse economy. We offer more than 160 career-focused certificate, diploma, postgraduate and degree programs – one of the widest ranges of full-time college programs in Canada. Most of our programs have a field education component which gives you a valuable opportunity to work and learn with industry partners who may even one day become your future employer.


Niagara College Toronto

Niagara College Toronto
Niagara College and Toronto School of Management have partnered together to offer Niagara College’s best courses in the heart of Toronto. NC graduates get jobs, and employers are very satisfied with the skills and knowledge that they bring to the workplace.

Sheridan College

Founded in 1967, Sheridan is one of Ontario’s leading post secondary institutions, attracting students from across Canada and around the world. Here, you’ll find some quick facts about Sheridan.

International Students

Algoma University 

At Algoma U, 

we embrace diversity and appreciate each person’s uniqueness and differences. International and Canadian students learn from one-another, and truly create a unique and intercultural experience for all.

Loyalist College

Loyalist College is a public college that offers more than 70 full-time diploma, certificates and apprenticeship programs in bio sciences, building sciences, business, community service, health. Loyalist College in Toronto offers students the ideal combination of academic excellence, extracurricular activities and experiences

McMaster University

Level I, full-time international students may apply via AwardSpring for the Summer Work Program. After completing Level I or higher of an undergraduate program of study, international students can apply for both the Fall/Winter Work Program and/or the Summer Work Program. International students participating in the Work Program require a valid study permit and must be living in Canada during their period of employment in the fall, winter and/or summer terms. Learn more about working while you study.

Bristish Columbia

Acadia College

Adler University

Alexander College

British Columbia Institute of Technology

Camosun College

Canadian Aviation College

Capilano University

City University of Seattle

Coast Mountain College

Coastal Pacific Aviation Ltd

College of New Caledonia

College of the Rockies

Columbia College

Coquitlam College

Insignia College

Northeastern University.

Trinity Western University

University of British Columbia

University of Northern British Columbia

University of Victoria

Vancouver Community College

Vancouver Island University

Western Community College

Yorkville University

Victoria Flying Club


Concordia University of Edmonton
A world of possibilities

With a world full of possibilities, we are thrilled when Concordia University of Edmonton is considered as your university of choice to continue your studies.

We are a university with a strong sense of community and a big heart. We are highly regarded in Canada for excellence in teaching, in our services for students, and in our unique niche programs. Concordia University of Edmonton ensures that the needs of every student are addressed, and with an average class size of 30 students we have the ability to offer students a more personal learning experience.


Alberta Bible College

Alberta University of the Arts

Ambrose University

Athabasca University

Bow Valley College

Burman University

Lakeland College

Lethbridge College

MacEwan University

Medicine Hat College

Mount Royal University

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

Northwestern Polytechnic

Prairie College

Red Deer Polytechnic

St. Mary’s University

University of Alberta

University of Lethbridge

Vanguard College

New Brunswick

Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick

The Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick is a French-language institution of post-secondary education founded in 1970, that serves all the Francophone and Acadian communities in New Brunswick through its five campuses in Bathurst, Campbellton, Dieppe, Edmundston and the Acadian Peninsula

Crandall University

Crandall University is located in the beautiful, thriving city of Moncton, New Brunswick on the east coast of Canada.  We are Eastern Canada’s leading liberal arts university grounded in the Christian faith. Moncton is central to the Atlantic Provinces and travel is made easy through the Roméo Leblanc International Airport (YQM).

As an international student, Crandall’s staff and faculty are invested in the time you spend with us – from the day you arrive on campus until the day you cross the stage at convocation. We understand that traveling abroad to study at a university in another city and country is a big transition. We are here to work with you and help make your transition as smooth as possible.

Maritime College of Forest Technology

The Maritime Forest Ranger School (MFRS), known today as the Maritime College of Forest Technology (MCFT), was established in Fredericton, NB in April 1946 as a cooperative effort by the wood-using industries and governments of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to re-train and integrate returning WWII veterans. For 57 years the MFRS graduated skilled, knowledgeable, and capable forest technologists for work in the Maritimes and across Canada. In 2003, MFRS was re-branded MCFT, and with the change in name came a revitalization of the College’s courses and curriculum. Today, the Maritime College of Forest Technology (MCFT) continues to be one of Canada’s premier post-secondary institutions that specialize in natural resource education. We devote 100% of our time to learning and working with students and faculty who are passionate about the outdoors and who want to make a difference in the natural resource sector. We instill within our graduates a land ethic that will guide them in their interactions with clients, employers, colleagues, and the environment in which they work.

Moncton Flight College

Study in Canada
We have multiple training areas near both bases for local training: all within five minutes flying time from the airport. Because of its location, pilots benefit from four-season training, and are better equipped to safely manage different weather conditions.

Mount Allison University

Mount Allison is recognized as one of the top undergraduate universities in Canada. Mount Allison has been recognized by Maclean’s as the top primarily undergraduate university in Canada 23 times in the past 32 years — a record unmatched by any other university. Why study at MtA?

New Brunswick Community College

At NBCC we recognize the need for support as learners from around the world join us for their learning journey. You are not alone on this journey, our Student Success Coaches are here to help and assist learners in their transition to NBCC and encourage growth and development throughout their college experience.

We seek to empower students to identify and achieve their educational, personal, and professional goals through coaching sessions and connecting them with resources within and beyond NBCC.


St. Stephen’s University

The Mission of SSU is to prepare people, through academic, personal, and spiritual development, for a life of justice, beauty, and compassion, enabling a humble, creative engagement with their world.
This is a welcoming and inclusive university.

We are building a community that does not discriminate on grounds of economic power, gender identity, mental health, physical ability, race, religious belief or sexuality.

We are dedicated to becoming the kind of learning community that can welcome and serve all people, working towards our mission of pursuing justice, beauty, and compassion. Where barriers arise, we will do our best to overcome them together.

St. Thomas University

The small university of big opportunities. 

Our 1,800 undergraduate students study in small classes that encourage discussion and debate. They form meaningful connections with peers and faculty, and are connected by their desire to use their education to help others. Our campus is a community—our size allows us to give students the attention they deserve, the support they need, and the opportunities that will help them grow academically and personally.

Université de Moncton

En la Université de Moncton, más de una quinta parte de la población estudiantil proviene de fuera de Canadá. Con la presencia dinámica de estudiantes de cuarenta países, combinada con la naturaleza acogedora de la Universidad, nunca serás un extraño para nosotros. También disfrutarás de un ambiente tranquilo donde la vida es buena durante tus estudios.

University of New Brunswick

The University of New Brunswick is a public university with two primary campuses in Fredericton and Saint John, New Brunswick. It is the oldest English-language university in Canada, and among the oldest public universities in North America. UNB was founded by a group of seven Loyalists who left the United States after the American Revolution.

Prince Edward Island

Collège de l’Île

Collège de l’Île is a Francophone post-secondary community college in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island with headquarters in the community of Wellington. It was originally a campus of Collège de l’Acadie which served Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

Holland College

Holland College is the provincial community college for the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island. It is named after British Army engineer and surveyor, Captain Samuel Holland.


Maritime Christian College

Maritime Christian College welcomes students from diverse backgrounds, irrespective of physical origin (ethnic, national, or racial), skin color, gender, political affiliation, age, marital status, family relationship, or handicap. As a faith-based institution, Maritime Christian College makes one exception to a student’s background: religious belief and affiliation. Maritime Christian College expects its students to adhere in both good conscience and good faith to its statement of faith. Students are expected to agree with and to this statement of faith, derived directly from Maritime Christian College’s fourth By-Law.

University of Prince Edward Island

International Students

UPEI has a growing reputation as a premier educational destination for students from around the world. The campus welcomes more than 1,600 international students from more than 90 countries each year: that represents about 30% of the entire student body.


The University of Winnipeg


The University of Winnipeg is a public research university in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, that offers undergraduate faculties of art, business and economics, education, science and kinesiology and applied health as well as graduate programs

Louis Riel School Division Arts and Technology Centre

Students may register in any LRATC program knowing that they will receive the best possible technical and career education. Most importantly, technology programs have an excellent track record for future employment.

Brandon University

Brandon University is a university located in the city of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, with an enrollment of 3375 full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students. The current location was founded on July 13, 1899, as Brandon College as a Baptist institution

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology

MITT is a public, post-secondary Designated Learning Institute (DLI) in Manitoba. Driven by industry, our programs are built to get students working right away, following graduation, with companies seeking in-demand skills. We provide not only the education you need, but additional skills to help you succeed and ongoing services for all students and alumni

University of Manitoba

The University of Manitoba is a Canadian public research university in the province of Manitoba. Founded in 1877, it is the first university of western Canada. Both by total student enrollment and campus area, the U of M is the largest university in the province of Manitoba and the 17th-largest in all of Canada

University College of the North

University College of the North is a post-secondary institution located in Northern Manitoba, Canada. UCN has a student body of approximately 2,400 annually, and a staff of approximately 400. The Chancellor of UCN is Edwin Jebb.

Booth University College

Red River College Polytechnic

Red River College Polytechnic is a college located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It is the province’s largest institute of applied learning and applied research, with over 200 degree, diploma, and certificate programs, and more than 21,000 students annually

Université de Saint-Boniface

The Université de Saint-Boniface is a French-language public university located in the Saint Boniface neighbourhood of Winnipeg, Manitoba

Canadian Mennonite University

Canadian Mennonite University is a private Mennonite university located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, with an enrollment of 1607 students. The university was chartered in 1999 with a Shaftesbury campus in southwest Winnipeg, as well as Menno Simons College and a campus at The University of Winnipeg


Briercrest College and Seminary

Collège Mathieu

St. Andrew’s College

College of Emmanuel and St Chad

Cumberland College

St. Peter’s College

Horizon College and Seminary Inc

Millennium Aviation

University of Regina

North West College

Parkland College

University of Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Southeast College

Lutheran Theological Seminary

Nova Scotia

Acadia University

Atlantic School of Theology

Dalhousie University

Mount Saint Vincent University

NSCAD University

Nova Scotia Community College

Saint Mary’s University

The Language Centre at Saint Mary’s University

Université Sainte-Anne

University of King’s College